Crime balance. 2024 - 2nd Quarter- Autonomous Communities (NUTS2) Safety indicators 2024 - 2nd Quarter by region (NUTS2), criminal typology and period. Unidades: recorded offences January-June 2022 January-June 2023 Variation % 2024/2023 TOTAL I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 971175.0 986444.0 1.6 1.- Intentional homicide 180.0 195.0 8.3 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 633.0 619.0 -2.2 3.- Serious assault 12712.0 13799.0 8.6 4.- Kidnapping 64.0 49.0 -23.4 5.- Sexual crimes 9556.0 10010.0 4.8 5.1.- Rape 2305.0 2465.0 6.9 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 7251.0 7545.0 4.1 6.- Robbery 31001.0 30980.0 -0.1 7.- Burglary 59654.0 57469.0 -3.7 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 40415.0 39287.0 -2.8 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 325034.0 321332.0 -1.1 9.- Theft of a vehicle 15869.0 16272.0 2.5 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 10639.0 11009.0 3.5 11.- Rest of traditional crime 505833.0 524710.0 3.7 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 217711.0 237640.0 9.2 12.-Computer frauds 195581.0 211294.0 8.0 13.-Other cybercrimes 22130.0 26346.0 19.1 III. TOTAL 1188886.0 1224084.0 3.0 ANDALUCÍA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 163691.0 163003.0 -0.4 1.- Intentional homicide 43.0 50.0 16.3 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 133.0 116.0 -12.8 3.- Serious assault 2428.0 2606.0 7.3 4.- Kidnapping 20.0 15.0 -25.0 5.- Sexual crimes 1561.0 1506.0 -3.5 5.1.- Rape 299.0 293.0 -2.0 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 1262.0 1213.0 -3.9 6.- Robbery 3600.0 3738.0 3.8 7.- Burglary 9681.0 9213.0 -4.8 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 6532.0 6347.0 -2.8 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 47163.0 45725.0 -3.0 9.- Theft of a vehicle 2909.0 2964.0 1.9 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 2528.0 2300.0 -9.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 93625.0 94770.0 1.2 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 36145.0 41455.0 14.7 12.-Computer frauds 32094.0 36202.0 12.8 13.-Other cybercrimes 4051.0 5253.0 29.7 III. TOTAL 199836.0 204458.0 2.3 ARAGÓN I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 18418.0 19947.0 8.3 1.- Intentional homicide 5.0 5.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 18.0 11.0 -38.9 3.- Serious assault 302.0 397.0 31.5 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 219.0 205.0 -6.4 5.1.- Rape 47.0 48.0 2.1 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 172.0 157.0 -8.7 6.- Robbery 494.0 607.0 22.9 7.- Burglary 1317.0 1335.0 1.4 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 911.0 998.0 9.5 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 4881.0 5629.0 15.3 9.- Theft of a vehicle 162.0 161.0 -0.6 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 232.0 219.0 -5.6 11.- Rest of traditional crime 10788.0 11378.0 5.5 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 5708.0 6168.0 8.1 12.-Computer frauds 5091.0 5533.0 8.7 13.-Other cybercrimes 617.0 635.0 2.9 III. TOTAL 24126.0 26115.0 8.2 ASTURIAS (PRINCIPADO DE) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 11915.0 12371.0 3.8 1.- Intentional homicide 3.0 3.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 8.0 9.0 12.5 3.- Serious assault 194.0 209.0 7.7 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 2.0 100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 142.0 133.0 -6.3 5.1.- Rape 32.0 32.0 0.0 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 110.0 101.0 -8.2 6.- Robbery 172.0 164.0 -4.7 7.- Burglary 704.0 661.0 -6.1 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 471.0 368.0 -21.9 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 3567.0 3800.0 6.5 9.- Theft of a vehicle 132.0 107.0 -18.9 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 99.0 86.0 -13.1 11.- Rest of traditional crime 6894.0 7197.0 4.4 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 3931.0 4652.0 18.3 12.-Computer frauds 3572.0 4110.0 15.1 13.-Other cybercrimes 359.0 542.0 51.0 III. TOTAL 15846.0 17023.0 7.4 BALEARS (ILLES) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 30026.0 30478.0 1.5 1.- Intentional homicide 2.0 3.0 50.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 16.0 13.0 -18.8 3.- Serious assault 606.0 617.0 1.8 4.- Kidnapping 3.0 3.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 442.0 417.0 -5.7 5.1.- Rape 66.0 67.0 1.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 376.0 350.0 -6.9 6.- Robbery 694.0 625.0 -9.9 7.- Burglary 1264.0 1268.0 0.3 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 920.0 898.0 -2.4 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 9722.0 10207.0 5.0 9.- Theft of a vehicle 800.0 767.0 -4.1 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 294.0 370.0 25.9 11.- Rest of traditional crime 16183.0 16188.0 0.0 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 5186.0 6672.0 28.7 12.-Computer frauds 4648.0 5906.0 27.1 13.-Other cybercrimes 538.0 766.0 42.4 III. TOTAL 35212.0 37150.0 5.5 CANARIAS I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 42808.0 46030.0 7.5 1.- Intentional homicide 7.0 6.0 -14.3 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 22.0 21.0 -4.5 3.- Serious assault 668.0 671.0 0.4 4.- Kidnapping 2.0 0.0 -100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 493.0 600.0 21.7 5.1.- Rape 94.0 117.0 24.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 399.0 483.0 21.1 6.- Robbery 951.0 883.0 -7.2 7.- Burglary 1757.0 1607.0 -8.5 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1090.0 977.0 -10.4 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 13175.0 14848.0 12.7 9.- Theft of a vehicle 736.0 778.0 5.7 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 414.0 401.0 -3.1 11.- Rest of traditional crime 24583.0 26215.0 6.6 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 8210.0 8807.0 7.3 12.-Computer frauds 7218.0 7772.0 7.7 13.-Other cybercrimes 992.0 1035.0 4.3 III. TOTAL 51018.0 54837.0 7.5 CANTABRIA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 8688.0 9131.0 5.1 1.- Intentional homicide 0.0 3.0 100.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 6.0 6.0 0.0 3.- Serious assault 178.0 185.0 3.9 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 1.0 100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 77.0 83.0 7.8 5.1.- Rape 15.0 25.0 66.7 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 62.0 58.0 -6.5 6.- Robbery 107.0 98.0 -8.4 7.- Burglary 839.0 853.0 1.7 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 621.0 589.0 -5.2 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 2269.0 2312.0 1.9 9.- Theft of a vehicle 56.0 101.0 80.4 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 69.0 53.0 -23.2 11.- Rest of traditional crime 5087.0 5436.0 6.9 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 2757.0 3146.0 14.1 12.-Computer frauds 2525.0 2786.0 10.3 13.-Other cybercrimes 232.0 360.0 55.2 III. TOTAL 11445.0 12277.0 7.3 CASTILLA Y LEÓN I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 31196.0 31886.0 2.2 1.- Intentional homicide 5.0 5.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 23.0 22.0 -4.3 3.- Serious assault 440.0 476.0 8.2 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 269.0 309.0 14.9 5.1.- Rape 62.0 71.0 14.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 207.0 238.0 15.0 6.- Robbery 383.0 363.0 -5.2 7.- Burglary 2052.0 2042.0 -0.5 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1343.0 1419.0 5.7 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 8657.0 8534.0 -1.4 9.- Theft of a vehicle 226.0 271.0 19.9 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 229.0 211.0 -7.9 11.- Rest of traditional crime 18912.0 19653.0 3.9 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 11855.0 12876.0 8.6 12.-Computer frauds 10430.0 11270.0 8.1 13.-Other cybercrimes 1425.0 1606.0 12.7 III. TOTAL 43051.0 44762.0 4.0 CASTILLA - LA MANCHA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 31216.0 32271.0 3.4 1.- Intentional homicide 9.0 7.0 -22.2 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 18.0 24.0 33.3 3.- Serious assault 432.0 536.0 24.1 4.- Kidnapping 1.0 0.0 -100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 319.0 301.0 -5.6 5.1.- Rape 63.0 48.0 -23.8 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 256.0 253.0 -1.2 6.- Robbery 397.0 465.0 17.1 7.- Burglary 2342.0 2601.0 11.1 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1697.0 1800.0 6.1 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 7171.0 7184.0 0.2 9.- Theft of a vehicle 275.0 379.0 37.8 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 308.0 299.0 -2.9 11.- Rest of traditional crime 19944.0 20475.0 2.7 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 8943.0 8970.0 0.3 12.-Computer frauds 7786.0 7867.0 1.0 13.-Other cybercrimes 1157.0 1103.0 -4.7 III. TOTAL 40159.0 41241.0 2.7 CATALUÑA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 208867.0 214832.0 2.9 1.- Intentional homicide 42.0 42.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 120.0 139.0 15.8 3.- Serious assault 1868.0 2003.0 7.2 4.- Kidnapping 4.0 6.0 50.0 5.- Sexual crimes 2002.0 1999.0 -0.1 5.1.- Rape 761.0 740.0 -2.8 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 1241.0 1259.0 1.5 6.- Robbery 12142.0 12031.0 -0.9 7.- Burglary 13583.0 12819.0 -5.6 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 9110.0 8473.0 -7.0 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 83278.0 82246.0 -1.2 9.- Theft of a vehicle 4099.0 4128.0 0.7 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 2208.0 2451.0 11.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 89521.0 96968.0 8.3 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 34823.0 39883.0 14.5 12.-Computer frauds 33730.0 37976.0 12.6 13.-Other cybercrimes 1093.0 1907.0 74.5 III. TOTAL 243690.0 254715.0 4.5 COMUNITAT VALENCIANA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 115797.0 117746.0 1.7 1.- Intentional homicide 16.0 34.0 112.5 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 80.0 73.0 -8.8 3.- Serious assault 1616.0 1754.0 8.5 4.- Kidnapping 7.0 4.0 -42.9 5.- Sexual crimes 1098.0 1193.0 8.7 5.1.- Rape 204.0 267.0 30.9 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 894.0 926.0 3.6 6.- Robbery 2978.0 3011.0 1.1 7.- Burglary 9041.0 8897.0 -1.6 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 6874.0 7081.0 3.0 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 36656.0 36291.0 -1.0 9.- Theft of a vehicle 1489.0 1640.0 10.1 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 1285.0 1426.0 11.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 61531.0 63423.0 3.1 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 22490.0 23694.0 5.4 12.-Computer frauds 19262.0 20676.0 7.3 13.-Other cybercrimes 3228.0 3018.0 -6.5 III. TOTAL 138287.0 141440.0 2.3 EXTREMADURA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 12957.0 13114.0 1.2 1.- Intentional homicide 0.0 3.0 100.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 7.0 11.0 57.1 3.- Serious assault 205.0 193.0 -5.9 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 1.0 100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 121.0 168.0 38.8 5.1.- Rape 20.0 32.0 60.0 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 101.0 136.0 34.7 6.- Robbery 161.0 141.0 -12.4 7.- Burglary 911.0 895.0 -1.8 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 608.0 595.0 -2.1 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 3417.0 3260.0 -4.6 9.- Theft of a vehicle 89.0 84.0 -5.6 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 170.0 170.0 0.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 7876.0 8188.0 4.0 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 4123.0 4109.0 -0.3 12.-Computer frauds 3454.0 3322.0 -3.8 13.-Other cybercrimes 669.0 787.0 17.6 III. TOTAL 17080.0 17223.0 0.8 GALICIA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 35877.0 35107.0 -2.1 1.- Intentional homicide 9.0 8.0 -11.1 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 25.0 20.0 -20.0 3.- Serious assault 534.0 562.0 5.2 4.- Kidnapping 2.0 0.0 -100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 408.0 405.0 -0.7 5.1.- Rape 89.0 96.0 7.9 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 319.0 309.0 -3.1 6.- Robbery 493.0 498.0 1.0 7.- Burglary 2246.0 2272.0 1.2 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1294.0 1312.0 1.4 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 9831.0 9656.0 -1.8 9.- Theft of a vehicle 293.0 250.0 -14.7 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 265.0 247.0 -6.8 11.- Rest of traditional crime 21771.0 21189.0 -2.7 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 10025.0 11474.0 14.5 12.-Computer frauds 8513.0 9675.0 13.6 13.-Other cybercrimes 1512.0 1799.0 19.0 III. TOTAL 45902.0 46581.0 1.5 MADRID (COMUNIDAD DE) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 167896.0 166409.0 -0.9 1.- Intentional homicide 17.0 11.0 -35.3 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 83.0 68.0 -18.1 3.- Serious assault 1598.0 1658.0 3.8 4.- Kidnapping 13.0 9.0 -30.8 5.- Sexual crimes 1385.0 1457.0 5.2 5.1.- Rape 310.0 358.0 15.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 1075.0 1099.0 2.2 6.- Robbery 6054.0 5853.0 -3.3 7.- Burglary 6888.0 6642.0 -3.6 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 4345.0 4030.0 -7.2 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 65595.0 62121.0 -5.3 9.- Theft of a vehicle 3573.0 3614.0 1.1 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 1689.0 1823.0 7.9 11.- Rest of traditional crime 81001.0 83153.0 2.7 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 35968.0 38020.0 5.7 12.-Computer frauds 32675.0 33722.0 3.2 13.-Other cybercrimes 3293.0 4298.0 30.5 III. TOTAL 203864.0 204429.0 0.3 MURCIA (REGIÓN DE) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 29882.0 30414.0 1.8 1.- Intentional homicide 10.0 9.0 -10.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 35.0 41.0 17.1 3.- Serious assault 534.0 619.0 15.9 4.- Kidnapping 3.0 3.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 320.0 388.0 21.3 5.1.- Rape 52.0 58.0 11.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 268.0 330.0 23.1 6.- Robbery 1015.0 1034.0 1.9 7.- Burglary 2744.0 2588.0 -5.7 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1951.0 1985.0 1.7 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 8311.0 8173.0 -1.7 9.- Theft of a vehicle 448.0 461.0 2.9 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 320.0 300.0 -6.3 11.- Rest of traditional crime 16142.0 16798.0 4.1 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 6202.0 6889.0 11.1 12.-Computer frauds 5459.0 5929.0 8.6 13.-Other cybercrimes 743.0 960.0 29.2 III. TOTAL 36084.0 37303.0 3.4 NAVARRA (COMUNIDAD FORAL DE) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 12448.0 13330.0 7.1 1.- Intentional homicide 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 12.0 10.0 -16.7 3.- Serious assault 161.0 206.0 28.0 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 180.0 198.0 10.0 5.1.- Rape 42.0 25.0 -40.5 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 138.0 173.0 25.4 6.- Robbery 192.0 175.0 -8.9 7.- Burglary 744.0 649.0 -12.8 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 487.0 444.0 -8.8 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 3400.0 3326.0 -2.2 9.- Theft of a vehicle 75.0 72.0 -4.0 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 73.0 95.0 30.1 11.- Rest of traditional crime 7609.0 8597.0 13.0 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 3711.0 3536.0 -4.7 12.-Computer frauds 3287.0 3075.0 -6.4 13.-Other cybercrimes 424.0 461.0 8.7 III. TOTAL 16159.0 16866.0 4.4 PAÍS VASCO I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 39164.0 40127.0 2.5 1.- Intentional homicide 4.0 3.0 -25.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 18.0 26.0 44.4 3.- Serious assault 759.0 895.0 17.9 4.- Kidnapping 4.0 1.0 -75.0 5.- Sexual crimes 397.0 493.0 24.2 5.1.- Rape 125.0 158.0 26.4 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 272.0 335.0 23.2 6.- Robbery 922.0 1045.0 13.3 7.- Burglary 3116.0 2678.0 -14.1 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 1851.0 1632.0 -11.8 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 14753.0 14948.0 1.3 9.- Theft of a vehicle 345.0 328.0 -4.9 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 309.0 412.0 33.3 11.- Rest of traditional crime 18537.0 19298.0 4.1 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 13289.0 13676.0 2.9 12.-Computer frauds 11883.0 12294.0 3.5 13.-Other cybercrimes 1406.0 1382.0 -1.7 III. TOTAL 52453.0 53803.0 2.6 RIOJA (LA) I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 4725.0 4644.0 -1.7 1.- Intentional homicide 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 5.0 3.0 -40.0 3.- Serious assault 91.0 130.0 42.9 4.- Kidnapping 1.0 0.0 -100.0 5.- Sexual crimes 54.0 57.0 5.6 5.1.- Rape 9.0 6.0 -33.3 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 45.0 51.0 13.3 6.- Robbery 61.0 54.0 -11.5 7.- Burglary 343.0 382.0 11.4 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 265.0 305.0 15.1 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 1441.0 1283.0 -11.0 9.- Theft of a vehicle 32.0 32.0 0.0 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 51.0 26.0 -49.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 2645.0 2676.0 1.2 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 1245.0 1105.0 -11.2 12.-Computer frauds 1085.0 866.0 -20.2 13.-Other cybercrimes 160.0 239.0 49.4 III. TOTAL 5970.0 5749.0 -3.7 CIUDAD AUTÓNOMA DE CEUTA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 1417.0 1369.0 -3.4 1.- Intentional homicide 5.0 0.0 -100.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 3.0 5.0 66.7 3.- Serious assault 35.0 31.0 -11.4 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 16.0 28.0 75.0 5.1.- Rape 0.0 4.0 100.0 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 16.0 24.0 50.0 6.- Robbery 33.0 41.0 24.2 7.- Burglary 21.0 18.0 -14.3 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 8.0 13.0 62.5 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 251.0 262.0 4.4 9.- Theft of a vehicle 43.0 57.0 32.6 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 54.0 54.0 0.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 956.0 873.0 -8.7 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 274.0 309.0 12.8 12.-Computer frauds 241.0 266.0 10.4 13.-Other cybercrimes 33.0 43.0 30.3 III. TOTAL 1691.0 1678.0 -0.8 CIUDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MELILLA I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 1854.0 1826.0 -1.5 1.- Intentional homicide 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 1.0 1.0 0.0 3.- Serious assault 61.0 48.0 -21.3 4.- Kidnapping 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 23.0 18.0 -21.7 5.1.- Rape 2.0 5.0 150.0 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 21.0 13.0 -38.1 6.- Robbery 65.0 43.0 -33.8 7.- Burglary 55.0 41.0 -25.5 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 34.0 15.0 -55.9 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 379.0 338.0 -10.8 9.- Theft of a vehicle 32.0 27.0 -15.6 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 25.0 26.0 4.0 11.- Rest of traditional crime 1213.0 1284.0 5.9 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 215.0 271.0 26.0 12.-Computer frauds 178.0 223.0 25.3 13.-Other cybercrimes 37.0 48.0 29.7 III. TOTAL 2069.0 2097.0 1.4 FOREIGN I.TRADITIONAL CRIME 2333.0 2409.0 3.3 1.- Intentional homicide 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.- Attempted intentional homicide 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.- Serious assault 2.0 3.0 50.0 4.- Kidnapping 4.0 4.0 0.0 5.- Sexual crimes 30.0 52.0 73.3 5.1.- Rape 13.0 15.0 15.4 5.2.- Other sexual crimes 17.0 37.0 117.6 6.- Robbery 87.0 111.0 27.6 7.- Burglary 6.0 8.0 33.3 7.1 Burglary of private residential premises 3.0 6.0 100.0 8.- Serious, less and minor crimes of theft 1117.0 1189.0 6.4 9.- Theft of a vehicle 55.0 51.0 -7.3 10.- Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors 17.0 40.0 135.3 11.- Rest of traditional crime 1015.0 951.0 -6.3 II. CYBER CRIME (criminal offenses committed in/by cyber means) 2611.0 1928.0 -26.2 12.-Computer frauds 2450.0 1824.0 -25.6 13.-Other cybercrimes 161.0 104.0 -35.4 III. TOTAL 4944.0 4337.0 -12.3 Notas: NIPO 126-20-005-0 (*) Data are computed from the National Police, Civil Guard, regional police and local police that provide data to the Crime Statistical System. Sexual assaults with penetration include sexual assaults with penetration and sexual abuse with penetration. (**) Statistical indicators of crime used by the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT). (***) Data for 2024 pending consolidation. Fuente: Ministry of Interior